Ready or Not
An intense, tactical, first-person shooter that depicts a modern-day world in which SWAT police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.
Roles & Responsibilities
Lead Programmer
Implement gameplay mechanics, systems, and features based on design specifications
Optimize game performance for smooth and responsive gameplay across platforms
Solving complex and technical issues related to gameplay systems which includes debugging, and troubleshooting from QA
Systems I developed
Systems/Gameplay mechanics that I have developed from scratch for Ready or Not
Disarm-able Traps (with wire physics)
Fall In System
Command Issuing System
Threat Awareness System
Breach & Clearing System
Implemented breaching/clearing behavior that closely match real life SWAT doctrine, along with the guidance and expertise of our on-staff SWAT Officer.
Stack Up Behavior
Stack Up and Clear Point Generation on Doors
Developed algorithms to determine the optimal stack-up positioning to maintain officer safety.
Autonomy Feature (auto-completing the mission without player command)
Suspect/Civilian Cover Systems
Hard Cover
Hiding Cover (Closets, Under Bed/Table, etc.)
Hole Traversal (Vents, Wall Gaps)
Optiwand (a.k.a Mirrorgun). A tactical equipment giving you the ability to look under the door into the room.
Scoring System
World Data Generation (context useful for AI to navigate and reason about the world)
Custom Dev Menu for debugging purposes (in similar spirit to Naughty Dog’s Debug Menu)